President of All India Football Federation Praful Patel meets Sepp Blatter, President of FIFA at the FIFA Headquarters in Zurich. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss on the various important aspects of the Under – 17 World Cup which has been scheduled to be held in 2017. The meeting was also attended by top officials of FIFA which included Secretary General Jerome Valcke, Thierry Regenass, Director of Member Associations & Development Vision.
NCP Leader Praful Patel is extremely excited to get the support of FIFA, as he thinks, with this international event Indian Football will be getting a substantial position in the international arena. It is an unfortunate scene how the lack of infrastructure and implementation of proper techniques have shoveled India to a wretched FIFA ranking of 147. There is also a sharp dearth of finance which is posing to be a hindrance to equip the Indian Football team to participate in any international tournament.
Sepp Blatter in his previous visit to the country has called India a ‘Sleeping Giant’. He knew that there is a strong undercurrent for football in the India. A proper infrastructure and extensive football training will help to reignite the passion, effectively translating it into reality. Heavy Industries Minister Praful Patel is motivating his federation to introduce all sorts of developmental practices which are necessary to make the sport number one in the country. With this upcoming tournament, Indian football is surely going to witness some international techniques on field.